The Chill Way
The founders of Chill saw a world where people were stressed. Neighbors were no longer neighbors. People were less able to live with one another and exchange different ideas. Teammates were becoming enemies. Small towns didn't like big cities, and big cities lost the ability to see individuals. The people who created Chill CBD imagined an emerging world where being right was more important than being civil. They saw a future unfolding where the outcome was becoming more important than the journey.They set out to build a CBD company that would avoid such a future and that would encourage people to make time to Chill. They envisioned a global CBD community that would inspire people to exercise freedom and choose a different path. They wanted a company where people work hard, but then also relax. Chill founders wanted to build a CBD brand that communicated life isn't just about the ride, it's about the conversation in the parking lot after. It's not just about the game, but the after party too. They saw a world where meaning wasn't just about the end result, but is found in the adventure itself.
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